Emergency Hospital Bag | What I Packed

There was this moment of panic when I went into preterm labor with Cece (the second time), and Adam and I were throwing things we thought we might need in a JoJo bag and hurrying to get in the truck, leaving Joey behind with the neighbors.

Maybe TMI, but by the time we got to the hospital, what I had packed was utterly useless. I had puke all over my clothes, my hair tie had broke, and I was barefoot.

What did I really want that second time? I wanted a clean sweatshirt. I wanted my lip balm and to wash my face and I wanted my slippers.

The baby outfit I packed had no use for this instance. My earphones and mascara were of absolute no use to me while i fought to keep my body from expelling a premature baby and to keep my own fluids in.

This is real life, guys. It’s brutal and scary and not something I want to deal with again.

By the time I went into real labor with Cece at 34 weeks, I had packed a real bag for the hospital. It was minimal and small and what I thought I needed.

But to be honest, it wasn’t either. I didn’t have enough. We were in the hospital a lot longer than I had anticipated, and home is 40 miles away (and then, it was in boxes because we were moving). After having Sis, I wrote a list, and really comprehensive one, of what I had wished I had in the hospital.

Well, friends, here we are. I packed my pre-emptive emergency hospital bag, and put it in the truck. It is not my full bag, which I will share later. Nope, this is my “if I go into labor before Thanksgiving bag” because frankly, this is a very real possibility and I am going to be prepared, damnit.

The emergency bag is essentials plus a few, for me and baby. It contains nothing that I need at home on a daily basis, and also contains a clear bedside checklist in case I do need those last minute things.

An emergency labor bag is for when I know I will be in the hospital for any longer than one hour. Whether baby greets us or not, there are things I want in that bag that will both be useful AND bring me peace of mind..

I remember panicking when they said they may send us to Davis that night, and me thinking that I didn’t have anything I wanted. No comfort clothes, nothing for my hair, nothing to keep me calm. Just a drawstring bag with some dirty clothes and no chapstick.

I am not going to panic this time, if baby decides to try and come in the next few weeks. Because the following is all packed nice and neat in a small bag in the back seat of my truck, ready to roll where ever I may be. Something I did not have before that is now bringing me immense peace of mind.


For baby, I packed what I would have normally packed in my regular hospital bag. Since these are things I definitely don’t need right now while waiting for baby, and that it’s my third, packing for baby seemed simple and small.

Heirloom pieces:

  • Knitted blanket from my grandma that i used for both Joey and Cece

  • One tried and true knotted gown for newborns that I adore

Small Stuff:

  • Lanolin cream: just a mini size, and I think lanolin is simply just better than any of the other creams.

  • Nursing/breast pads: my milk usually doesn’t come in until after I get home, but these are so nice for those first few days of very sore and cracked nipples. I put lanolin on them before putting them in my bra for extra comfort between feedings.

  • Sound machine: We use the Hatch at home, but I also own four of these portable ones, and they are my favorite. I can’t sleep without white noise and I think newborns responds super well right off the bat to familiar white noise.

  • Pacifiers: I’ve never had a baby take a pacifier while in the hospital, but I always keep some with me just in case. Not being sure which they will like, I pack both Bibs and Natursutten original and orthodontic.

  • Wipes: Our hospital doesn’t provide nice wipes, and these are my favorite.

  • Burp cloths: I packed two of my favorite burp cloths for easy clean up with baby. Those first few nursings can be messy, and these are super soft and really absorbent.

  • LouLou swaddle blanket: My absolute fave swaddle for the first few weeks. We usually immediately ditch the hospital blankets and wrap baby up in these. So much softer, retain heat, and swaddle super tight.

  • WildBird Modal Sling: I love wearing my babies in the hospital. Especially this time, since I’m on bedrest, I’m certain I will be anxious to be up and swaying or walking with baby. Slings are the freaking best. And I love that I can do skin to skin while wearing a sling, giving my arms a break.


To Wear

Two of my most favorite outfits ever, and some of the best pieces I own. In my opinion, don’t skimp here. Pack pieces that are proven comfy and fit you well.


  • My own face towel (I hate the hospital ones)

  • Hair tie, hair clip

  • Rejuvenique oil: for washing my face, moisturizing my face, my hands, feet, nipples, tummy, baby, Adam’s beard, whatever. I put it on everything.

  • Perineal spray: my only tried and true fave

  • Nail file: I always have one, you never know and hang nails are my worst pet peeve.

  • Rose lotion and Rose spray: I love rose and it’s super calming and refreshing to me. I love this spray, and I wished I had it when I was sick in preterm labor last time to mist my face and neck to cool me down.

  • Restore cream: I use this on my lips as chapstick daily, and for lots of other things; think in my dry nose or on my cracked feet.

  • Dry shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant: If I was in an apocalypse, these are the things I would grab, hands down. Nothing else.

And of course, a lounger, because it’s literally the only thing I’ll put baby in/on while we are there. No plastic hard basinet for this family.


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