The best 20 FRIENDS episodes you need to watch


You guys.

I can’t really even talk about it.. It’s so heartbreaking, and I’m so emotionally triggered by the whole thing, that I seriously have been having nightmares.

I ask my husband, but HOW will I pass those hours in the middle of the night with fussy babies? WHAT WILL I DO on rainy days? HOW will I teach my kids the importance of this iconic sitcom that has defined my humor and brought me so much joy for the last 25 years?

These are legitimate questions I am not ashamed to ask.


Now that Christmas is over and I can have my TV all to myself and take the sweet time I have left with my friends, I plan to watch my favorite episodes one last time before I can no longer simply click three buttons on my Roku remote and get them instantly.


My heart hurts.

So, you have 5 days, friends. Five days to watch the best 20 episodes of FRIENDS and then cry silent tears in solidarity with me. One hour a day for the next five days, and FRIENDS will never be forgotten.

  1. The one with George stephanopoulos(1:4)

  2. The one with the boobies (1:13)

  3. The one with the baby on the bus (2:6)

  4. The one with the prom video (2:14)

  5. The one where no ones ready (3:2)

  6. The one where Ross and Rachel take a break (3:15)

  7. The one with the embryos (4:12) – fun fact, this is my FAVORITE episode ever.

  8. The one with all the thanksgivings (5:8)

  9. The one where everybody finds out (5:14)

  10. The one where Ross can’t flirt (5:19)

  11. The one where Ross got high (6:9)

  12. The one with the proposal part 2 (6:25)

  13. The one with the holiday armadillo (7:10)

  14. The one with all the cheesecakes (7:11)

  15. The one where they all turn 30 (7:14)

  16. The one with the videotape (8:4)

  17. The one with the rumor (8:9)

  18. The one with Ross’s inappropriate song (9:7)

  19. The one where Ross is fine (10:2)

  20. The one with phoebes wedding (10:12)

And if you have the time, The Last One.

Happy, or sad…. watching, FRIENDS.



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