Thrive Retreat | My Story and Come Hang with Me!

Every. Single. Day. I get a message on my Instagram that says “How do you do it all?” I answer ALL THE TIME with the same answer – I don’t.

Truly. I don’t do it all. Every day, I work hard to manage raising a family and running a business (or three). Every day, I strive to separate work and momming so I can give each 100%.

Is it always doable? Nope. Am I successful at this every time? Absolutely not. Is it worth it? Totally. Is it easy? Hell to the no.

Sometimes I watch other moms on IG and they ALWAYS have their hair and makeup done, never hop on stories looking like a hot mess (hello, have you smelled my morning breath through that screen because I swear it must be possible). I feel inadequate constantly.

But then I try to remember that comparing myself to someone else’s highlight reel is unnecessary and hurtful. My everyday is literally full of spit up and pregnancy cravings and 4 year old tantrums that need IMMEDIATE attention. Momming cannot be postponed or procrastinated.

I felt so honored to have received an invite to speak at Thrive Retreat this year. Mostly because it validated the facts that:

  1. This is not an easy job, mompreneurship. And there are millions of other moms struggling through this too.

  2. And that maybe, just maybe, I’m able to help set an example of REAL LIFE for other moms trying to make this work without sparking shame or inadequacy.

I am so excited to announce that on Day 2 of Thrive this year, I’ll be there for a 30 minute chat on how I tangible make mompreneurship work, and some of the important questions we can ask ourselves every day to simplify and bless our lives as both mom and entrepreneur.

Want to carve out time to simplify your strategy to amplify your results in business so that you can enjoy your life while also going for your dreams? Have fun? 

To take the pressure off and  access your inner wisdom and guidance on where to take your business next?

To awaken your earning potential while actually working less?

To be seen and connect with other women raising families and building businesses at the same time from all around the world and have some fun?

To attend a RETREAT... from home?

I’m inviting you to come with me to the most caring and value packed online women’s retreat in the world to help you thrive in your business like never before…for FREE! Welcome to the Thrive Online Business Retreat! 

We’re slowing down to connect with what you want now. The world has changed a lot this year and with that priorities have changed as well. The retreat sessions have been designed with you in mind to take things OFF your to do list, take the pressure off and to help you simplify your strategy to amplify your results. 

Retreat sessions are led by world-renowned experts, leaders, teachers, speakers, authors and healers from all over the world (including me).

Now more than ever women are connecting to what matters most and wanting business to flow in a more feminine way around the other important parts of life and more urgent new learning curves (like home schooling, distance learning and social separation). 

If you’re feeling called to have a business model and working systems that create sustainable and scalable abundance so that you can create the lifestyle you dream of for your family while also making a big difference in the world then ⇒> Save your spot in the retreat here!

When you sign up you’re able to:

  • Attend the retreat sessions around your schedule.

  • Wear your comfy yoga pants. Mom buns welcome. 

  • Drink coffee (or sparkling water) from your favorite cup.

  • Be a part of a global community of women who are saying YES!! to themselves, who are choosing to care for themselves as leaders, visionaries, entrepreneurs and mamas...

Now, more than ever, women need to listen to their inner wisdom, their calling and live a life guided by their authentic vision, values and preferences. 

How good will you let it get? 

How good will you let yourself feel?

It’s all waiting for you with a business that is set up to let you THRIVE!

xo, Nicole

P.S. I know it can be easy to feel like taking time for you is another thing on your To Do List, that there are so many more important things happening in the world. But what if this was exactly what you needed most? What if you created a time that felt sacred and connecting for you?


Joey's Room Redo


Third baby, Third trimester | pregnant in a pandemic