Using social media as a business owner is one thing, but using it as a mompreneur is another thing completely. Some things we need to consider that non-parent biz owners don’t:

  • Setting a screen time example for our kids

  • Being off our screens while we are with our kids

  • Privacy - how much of our kids do we share?

  • Finding the time for posting, scheduling and creation

Using social media is imperative for any business owner these days, though. There is no getting around it – I mean, that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

Finding the line between personal and professional on social media can be tricky business. And depending on what season of entrepreneurship you’re in, it can be different from the last.

Many businesses draw that line really clearly – no personal on their biz pages, and visa versa. But as mompreneurs, our title literally combines the two. We are moms, and we are entrepreneurs. And we literally live in that gray area.

Once you know your season, it can be a little bit easier to navigate this boundary. During some seasons, you’ll be more inclined to share only professional, and others, only personal. But some notes as to how to share this with your audience:

always be authentic

There is nothing worse than pretending you have it all together when in reality, you don’t. Seriously. It’s exhausting. Communicating with your audience, whether it be friends on Facebook or followers on Pinterest, what’s truly going on in your life, rather than just want you want them to see, is imperative. Inauthenticity is obvious, and can be a huge turn off.

communicate your season

Your social audience wants to know your season! They want to follow you on your journey, literally. And communicating with them about the season you’re in can help them along your path. If you are in a rest season (sharing more personal than professional), but they found you because they like your professional, it will be a glimpse into your personal life they would not have seen otherwise. If they aren’t interested in your personal life, and only want to see professional, then you can connect with them again when you bounce back into a professional season of mompreneurship! Most likely, they aren’t going anywhere. The same works the other way around.

know your limits, and don’t be afraid

If you need a social media hiatus, take one. I wrote a blog about a hiatus I took not long ago (read it here) and how it was the biggest sigh of relief I could have taken during that time. When I came back, my true, Nicole&Co loyal followers were eagerly waiting, rather than leaving me. It’s these kind of followers that you want to cater to. Don’t be afraid to not post, to not share, or to delete it altogether. There are no rules, just suggestions, and you are the only suggestion your really need to listen to.

Growth season is usually the season of the incessant posting. We get excited, and have a lot going on, and still have the time and space to share it. This is my favorite social media season for a mompreneur, because it allows for us to see (or show) all the ins and outs of life, not just one or the other.

Growth season is exciting and a little chaotic and usually filled with lots of up and downs, making for an incredibly dynamic feed on your social media.

Share your ups, share your downs, and share all the in betweens. Growth allows growth in all areas, not just business.

If you’re a new momma, you’re most likely in a growth season. Take this time to learn, grow your follow count (who you follow, not who follows you), and don’t be shy with that comment button. Social media can be a critical support group during your season of growth, providing tips and tricks and all the advice and affirmation you could ever need from strangers. It’s this time, momma, that you can share all of that, too.

Growth in congruent with gathering. Gather your follow count, gather your inspiration, and grow your knowledge.

ideas for posting during growth season:

  • ​Post your blogs, and don’t worry so much about making them perfect. Just post!

  • Share photos of your workspace, home, kids, husband, coffee at 4 pm and wine at midnight.

  • Get friendly with the comments. Comment lots, reply lots, and engage highly. It’s all about growing that tribe right now!

  • Be a really good Facebook friend. Join groups you want to support, share friends’ posts and get friendly with the like button.

  • Plan the time on your social media – spend an allotted amount of time per day doing this. Otherwise, you’ll end up in the scrolling abyss.


Plan your social media

This blog post by Hootsuite is the best of the best – plan a few weeks or months of social media posts using the content calendar; audit your current profiles and optimize them; create a strategy for the weeks to come with specific goals. Also – all the image dimensions are right there at your fingertips for quick reference! Bonus.


